March 2001

Mother and son - doing fine!

Resting comfortably

Very proud father and very exhausted baby


St. Joseph, Michigan—At 5 lbs, 6 oz., he looks like a bit smaller than most newborns. But his cuteness and the heart of his parents more than make up for his small size.

Born five weeks premature, Shawn announced his impending arrival early on the morning of March 4, when Lisa realized her water broke. After confirming with the obstetrician, Steve and Lisa rushed to Lakeland Memorial Medical Center, where it was discovered that indeed, the baby was going to have to come out—by C-section!

Moments after birth

Lisa was surprised when she found out that the baby was male. “Although we weren’t sure of the sex of the child at our last ultrasound, we had expected that it might have been a girl,” she stated.

While Shawn had to be hospitalized for a week because of his premature status and elevated bilirubin requiring light therapy, he has been doing fine. Both parents are very proud. They look forward to a wonderful first year of life for a baby boy, diapers and all.