An Online Newsletter For Family & Friends of Grace & Vincent

Sep 2007  



Welcome Emi Hsu
Headlines of August 29, 2007
Our contact information

Click here to see Emi's Announcement

Bleh to you too!




We kept a copy of the local newspaper, the Orlando Sentinel, as a memento and as she grows older, to explain the issues of the day on the day she was born. Here are some of those headlines:

  • At the second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, many of its victims feel forgotten
  • Former astronaut Lisa Nowak plans to plead insanity for attacking a romatic rival
  • Central Florida’s median income rose, but a growing number of foreclosures in the housing market have made a significant impact for homeowners
  • U.S. Senator Larry Craig denies charges that he solicited sex in a men’s restroom and regrets pleading guilty (I’m going to have a hard time explaining this to Emi)


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 Emi Arrives!

Bundle of Joy: Emi weighing in at 6 lbs, 2.1 oz




mily Jiamin Hsu arrived at 7:44 AM on August 29, 2007 via a normal vaginal delivery. Yes, it’s all worth it. However, prior to all that Grace had to endure about 30 hours of labor. Twelve of those hours were spent in the hospital, of which 6 was with (thank God), epidural anesthesia. Emi was 8 days overdue and as a result, was a meconium baby, i.e. she was born smothered in her own poop, which required some special care immediately after birth. Vince’s highlight was that Grace’s obstetrician actually offered Vince the opportunity to deliver Emi, which he did!


The name Emily is a classic—I’ve always liked the name, and in my opinion, “Emily Hsu” sounds pleasant when spoken together. It is, however, a very common name these days and she will no doubt have 10 classmates with the same first name. Thus, we decided to shorten it to “Emi,” which gives it a distinctively Asian flavor and gives us the option to reserve the three syllable “EM-I-LY” for times when she knows we mean business. By the way, Emily has its origin in Latin and means “industrious” or “striving.”


Choosing her Chinese name was more difficult, which was not decided until the day of discharge from the hospital. We consulted Vincent’s father, grandfather, and Grace’s mother for suggestions, in addition to some Chinese astrologers (last part, just joking). We finally decided on the characters Jia, which means “good” or “excellent”, and Min, which means “clever”, “smart”, or “keen” depending on context.


I now understand the joys, exhilaration, and responsibilities of parenthood. You can say all you want about trying to understand it beforehand, but it is so much more to experience it in order to really understand it.

At the time of this writing, Emi is 4 days old. Emi is probably a typical baby in terms of her needs. Grace breastfeeds every 2-3 hours on average. She pees and poops regularly, and cries when she needs something, such as a diaper change or nutrition. Not particularly overly high maintenance, but occasionally she is beginning to cry a bit more for no apparent reason, which stops as soon as we pick her up. Which brings me to a question: is it possible to spoil a baby at this age? She obviously knows when she has human contact, and it is not that we don’t love holding her, but is it wrong for us at her age to feel a bit guilty if we don’t respond to her cry within a minute or two? Please let me know your thoughts.

We look forward to seeing Emi grow up and although we are dealing with interrupted sleep like all new parents do, we realize that time will pass quickly, and she will no longer be the newborn. So we will cherish and treasure these moments with Emi. But for right now, we're just so happy she's here.

Photos, from top: (1) Grace & Emi enjoy a peaceful moment together; (2) Emi with Serena, Joan, Aileen, and Grandmother Hannah (Por Por); (3) First family portrait; (4) Finally at home, aged 4 days, but still requiring serious head support!