An Online Newsletter For Family & Friends of Grace & Vincent


Number 5


Front page
Grace & Vince's New Year letter
Our contact information 

Page 2
Exclusive New Year interview with G & V
Upcoming birthdays
Recipe corner: Mango Mousse 

Page 3
News Update from G & V: July to December 2003


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To email us news from you for posting in our next issue:
(1) State that you want your news to be included in the newsletter
(2) Let me know if you would like your email address posted as well
(3) Photos are welcome
(4) (First time only) Give us your birthday (year optional)

We won't post anything online without your permission.

We appreciate any comments from you.


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One Peek Back, One Look Ahead

September, 2003: Butchart Gardens, Victoria, British Columbia

January 4, 2004

Welcome to our belated Christmas or belated New Year's, but just-in-time for Chinese New Year Letter! It's been quite a year with the two of us moving to Seattle and Vincent adjusting to a slightly different position (still employed by CDC but working for a year with Seattle's public health department). In his family, brother Vernon got married and sister Lisa had another boy. Grace is enjoying herself at home, where she has expanded her cooking repertoire and has been exploring all that Seattle has to offer.

We love living here in Seattle and taking advantage of the urban life, which includes the symphony and wonderful cuisine. We've been immersing ourselves in music and cooking; we've visited neighboring cities in Victoria, Vancouver, and Portland. Yet it's so convenient to get away from the hubbub and escape to wilderness areas such as the Olympic and Mt. Rainier National Parks for a hike.

That's our summary, our one peek back at 2003 . Looking ahead for this year, our one main goal is to find a rewarding job and a place where we can settle down more permanently. We'll be keeping you informed. We wish you continued happiness and God's blessing for 2004.


Grace and Vincent




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