An Online Newsletter For Family & Friends of Grace & Vincent

June 2003

Number 4


Front page
We're moving! Don't tell us we didn't warn you.

Page 2
In Memoriam: Sherisse Ng (1997-2003)

Page 3
Upcoming birthdays
Recipe Corner: Blueberry Jello Delight

Page 4
News Update from Grace & Vince




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Grace & Vince to Leave Atlanta; Moving to Seattle in August

Seattle, May 5:On Queen Anne Hill overlooking the city

Decatur, GA- It's hard to believe that almost two years have passed since Vincent and Grace moved from Los Angeles to the Atlanta area. Now they are packing up for Seattle, Washington, where a typical morning commute may involve a trip on a ferry with an umbrella in one hand and an espresso in the other.

"We're excited to move," says Vincent, 34, a medical epidemiologist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). "I'm looking forward to my new position at the King County Health Department. I've always wanted to take advantage of the lifestyle that the Northwest has to offer."

"Although it's overcast during winter, I'm sure we will manage," chimes in Vincent's wife, Grace, 30. "However, we may have to buy a large lightbox."

Why the move? Vincent has accepted a position as a preventive medicine resident (PMR), which for him consists of a one-year practicum position at a local health department. The main purpose of this year is to develop practical public health skills in areas such as administration and policy-making. Although the position is on the West Coast, he remains with the U.S. Public Health Service and the CDC. And because the PMR program is run by CDC, it will not be a tearful farewell from Atlanta. His responsibilities will bring him back to Atlanta several times a year.

Although Grace and Vincent will not arrive in Seattle until August, they are excited about the new activities that await them. Picking Washington cherries, kayaking, mountain climbing, skiing, and other outdoor activities are just a few of the adventures they hope to experience within the next year.

After the PMR year, then what? "Ha! Much too early to say," replies Grace. "We just only found out about Seattle."


Washington State Ferries move through the downtown Seattle skyline