An Online Newsletter For Family & Friends of Grace & Vincent

December 2004    
Disney Christmas (Pluto)
Number 7


Front page
Seasons' Greetings from Orlando!
Family Profile: Philip & Paz Peng
Our contact information

Page 2
Keeping up with the Hsus (Quiz)
Upcoming Birthdays
Recipe corner: Pumpkin bread pudding

Page 3
News Update from G & V: July to December



Going on strong at 93 and 85, respectively, Philip and Paz Peng remain active members of the Virginia Beach community. Philip, who is Vince's maternal granduncle, was a substitute teacher for many years and was affectionately known by his students as the "soy bean man" for his advocacy of soy products. In March 2005 they will be celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary.  Prior to settling in the States they lived in Bangkok and Philippines. They have two children, Alwyn and Aileen and one grandchild, Jason. The Pengs can be reached by email at


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Need our address, phone numbers and/or driving directions? Email us.

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To email us news from you for posting in our next issue:
(1) State that you want your news to be included in the newsletter
(2) Let me know if you would like your email address posted as well
(3) Photos are welcome
(4) (First time only) Give us your birthday (year optional)

We won't post anything online without your permission.

We appreciate any comments from you.


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There's No Place...Like Home

In front of our new home, Baldwin Park Neighborhood, Orlando


December, 2004

Dear Family and Friends,

Happy Holidays to all of you. We've hit another milestone since our wedding three years ago. We finally joined the club of home ownership.

For us, this was a big deal. We're in our mid-thirties and it was only now that we felt we could settle down for more than a year or two. However, we had no idea what it meant to purchase a home. We just knew that we wanted a home that could fit our baby grand piano, with a nice kitchen, and close to work and stores. By October, after looking at dozens of homes, we settled on a one year-old house, located in a new neighborhood close to downtown Orlando and to Florida Hospital, where Vince works.

In November, we finally closed the deal. Despite some earlier research, as first-time home buyers we didn't fully understand all those bewildering issues regarding insurance, taxes, escrow, home association, etc. And with the time to be spent on home maintenance and improvement, would we have time for anything else? Vince bought himself a manual-reel mower and a pair of shearers to do the lawn work; Grace gives him 6 months before he gives up and hires a professional lawn care company.

Prior to the events above, we were fortunate to be taken in as family guests of Linda Lukman and Aileen Peng, who allowed us to stay with them until we were able to find a home. They provided unparalleled hospitality to us and made the transition from Washington to Florida much easier. And the transitioning was all but routine. We were reluctant to leave the West Coast, saying farewell to wonderful friends at the end of August. Then our flight from LA to Orlando was delayed for days due to strong winds and rain--oh, yes, we call those hurricanes. After arrival, we waited and waited for Vince's medical license to be approved to start work.

Finally, things started coming together. While waiting for the license, we took a three week trip to Southeast Asia, mainly to visit Grace's mother in Penang, but also to see relatives in Singapore and the sights in Bangkok, where she's never visited. After almost two months, Vince was finally able to begin work, as the eighth man in an infectious disease group that sees patients in five hospitals. Though the working lifestyle of a clinician is certainly much more intense than what Vince had been used to in Public Health, his learning curve for infectious disease skills and knowledge has been high. Very soon, he hopes to be involved with some of the activities of hospital infection preparedness and control that the training at CDC has given him.

From LA to Atlanta, to Seattle, and now Orlando--it's exhausting to have moved so often in the past three years. We're finally settling down, and grateful to have a place that we can really call home.

Wishing you a joyous holiday season. Love, Grace & Vincent





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